Friday, November 16, 2012

The Internship that was

(WARNING: There might be misspelled words and grammatically erroneous sentences. Wrote this during the wee hours of November 16 so please, cut me some slack HAHA Will go over this blog again later and edit.)

Yes. I am back with a new blog. Admit it! I know you missed me, Blogspot. HAHA
A lot has transpired lately which I can consider blog-worthy but my laziness got the best of me. However, here I am trying to break myself from Lethargy's bondage. So you better listen up, Blogspot! :))

I already said my goodbyes to our research study during the first semester. It feels good to finally got that over with but GAAAAAAAAHD! The grade I have for such subject was such a disappointment but I don't wanna think about it anymore. Moving on...

Way back first semester of this school year 2012 - 2013, I was really expecting to have a less-hassle second semester but everything is the exact opposite. I already had plans to have my internship at any office who has a Public Relations department. I went online to look for companies that were looking for interns but I happened to know from a friend that Convergys was looking for OJTs. I grabbed the opportunity and after the tassle, I GOT THE POSITION!

During the interview with Miss Janice, one of the HR personnels of CVG Banawa's HR Operations Department, I got to know the activities I am going to do under the department. Although the activities I expected to do with them like helping on job fairs and interviewing applicants thru phone weren't their responsibilities. So I had to compromise. Instead, I accepted the tasks Miss Janice told us.

To name a few, we had to file a lot of 201 Files of active and inactive employees. It was tedious but I was happy doing it. It was challenging to find a person's folder among the thousands of folders inside the file room. I was also expecting to help them during trainings conducted for newly-hires like preparing the kits needed, helping on the registration, and attending the trainings where I guess I could also learn from. I was also hoping to help out on exit interviews for employees who wish to leave the company.

With the short stay I had with CVG, I only got to do the filing part but I understand that the tasks wll progress. If only I got to stay longer with the company, I could have experienced helping out on trainings, conducting exit interviews, and other HR stuff. Sadly, I only had two working days with them. I consumed approximately 18 hours with CVG. Why I left? New Internship Policies. That's why.

It was sad leaving CVG in such a short notice but I had to let go so I won't jeopardize my internship grades. There was a change with internship policies brought about by our new internship adviser. His policies requires us, Masscom students, to be with company where we can practice all the masscom theories we learned. I was with the HR Department, that's why I had to say bye-bye :((

After i rendered my resignation in CVG, I had to think hard where to next. Where can I possibly practice my learnings about PR, Print, and/or Advertising? For Print, no worries. There a lot of newspaper firms needing interns but my only problem was I really am not into news gathering and writing. I have my prejudices about news writing so I opted to apply to any PR firm. BUT IT'S SUCH A SHOCK TO FIND MYSELF WORKING IN A NEWSPAPER FIRM. hahahhaha All the time, I have conditioned myself not to have my Practicum internship in a print media firm. Look where my reservations got me. Will tell you about my first day with my current internship site on my next blog.

Talk to you later Blogspot,

Franz B.

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