This month was pretty tough for me. Had to lead the CAS Volleyball Men's team during the 28th University days and Intramurals week. Thank God all our efforts and hardwork paid off. We defended our title. It's kinda nostalgic to think about that glorifying week. Oh well, there goes my last playing year (or would I still go for my 5th year of eligibility? Who knows...) I'm going to miss my weekend practices, my tardy and absentee teammates, the rush I feel everytime I'm in the court, and most especially the bond the team has forged. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHD.
I may have the height disadvantage, but that doesn't mean I CAN'T BLOCK. When 6'3'' and 5'something go for the double-men block. Credits to Ms. Mary Junelee Resabal, a Josenian HM Student : ] |
October 17 will be our Oral Defense but we haven't moved on with our Chapter 1. We are still in need of TWO KOREANS who have tried online ESL classes with a Filipino English teacher. With the flocking Korean tourists, we can't seem to find any who'll qualify as our respondents. Seems like my dream of graduating with flying colors is getting out of reach. Thanks to you MC Research Topic. X((((
I guess I better be doing my tasks for our research. Talk to you next time, Blogspot! I hope I can make it out alive from this Research subject :)))